Low-income employees have access to specific housing assistance and services

For 70 years, Action Logement has offered a range of solutions for low-income private sector employees. But many don’t know it.

Housing action (formerly “1% employer”), is an organization managed by unions and employers. Its mission is to facilitate access to housing to promote employment. It is funded by employers. Last year, 805,693 low-income private sector employees were supported, whatever their status, permanent, fixed-term, temporary or apprentice.

Housing offers

Action Logement owns just over a million homes throughout France, apartments or houses, which it builds, buys or finances regularly. This is essentially social housing, allocated under strict income conditions. Since 2020, access methods have completely changed. From now on, the available offers are grouped together on the AL’in website.

They are therefore visible, which was not the case before. To register, you must create a social housing application and complete your application. Then apply for the desired rental.

Certain employees have priority

Employees under the age of 30, or those in professional mobility, in temporary accommodation, with disabilities, victims of family violence, obtain additional points and their requests are processed as a priority. The age of the request is of course taken into account. Companies that register on the AL’in platform (there are currently 6,000) can also award points to an employee, to promote their application.

Offers currently available

It changes all the time, but on Tuesday, for example, there were 3,400 rentals offered, for 680,000 people actively looking, almost half of them in Île-de-France. So you don’t get an apartment overnight, far from it, especially in a tense area, but you have to try your luck.

Last year, 105,000 housing units were allocated. At the same time, Action Logement is developing another platform on intermediate housing, whose rents are 15 to 20% cheaper than in the private sector.

Action Logement offers other services

The organization can act as guarantor when renting accommodation. This is the Visale guarantee. The “Mobili-Jeune” aid finances part of the apprentices’ rent, up to 100 euros per month, for one year. Action Logement also lends money at a reduced rate to finance works. But also to buy housing: 30,000 euros maximum and up to 40,000 euros for employees in the agricultural sector.

source site-32