all residents will be trained in emergency procedures


Video duration:
1 minute

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – J.Mimouni, L.Bensimon, V.Jové

France Televisions

In Sables-d’Olonne (Vendée), the town has decided to train all of its residents in first aid. Reporting.

It is a city that has taken on a unique challenge: training its entire population, 45,000 inhabitants, in first aid procedures. Léo Franc is an employee in Sables-d’Olonne (Vendée). It was his company that sent him to train: “With the people who agreed, we organized ourselves to come at the same time, so now we are all together”he describes.

Five workshops to get the right reflexes

Under a marquee, there are five workshops to learn the right reflexes. In the city hosting the Vendée Globe, residents seem to be caught up in rescue fever. “There, we take on the challenge of creating the largest community of rescuers”, explains the UDI mayor of Sables-d’Olonne, Yannick Moreau. With your diploma in hand, the entire town of Sables-d’Olonne will soon be able to breathe new life into a slowing heart. Every year in France, 50,000 people die of cardiac arrest.

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