the left wins against the extreme right



France 2

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It is an unprecedented victory for the left in Chile. Gabriel Boric wins the presidential election on Monday, December 20. He led a broad alliance ranging from the Communist Party to the center left. A victory hailed by the French left.

It is an impressive human tide, to celebrate the overwhelming victory of the union of the left over the extreme right. In the streets of Santiago de Chile, the inhabitants flock by the thousands, carried by a hope for change, in a country ruled until then by an ultra liberal president. “I am very happy, full of hope, I think the way of governing will be very different”, rejoices a woman.

At nightfall, pulled from the crowd like a rock star, he finally appears. Gabriel Boric, 35, becomes one of the youngest heads of state in the world. In this very unequal country, he defeated the far-right candidate by 11 points, promising to tax the richest to improve the health care system, education and pensions. “We will expand social rights, our tax reform will be responsible, as well as our economic program”, he claims. But for the left and Gabriel Boric, the hardest part begins: the Santiago stock market has unscrewed by 7%.


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