IDF ground offensive on Gaza still in preparation

Almost two weeks after the Hamas attacks, the Israeli army has still not launched its ground offensive on Palestinian territory. Explanations.

Hundreds of tanks and tens of thousands of troops are still waiting near the border. The Israeli army has not yet launched its ground offensive on the Gaza Strip. However, the authorities of the Jewish state did not hide their anger after the Hamas attack on Saturday October 7, which suggested an imminent offensive.

>> Hamas attack on Israel: follow the development of the situation in our live stream

For several days, all options have been weighed in high places and the general staff seems to have decided not to rush. The IDF wants to take its time to train the tens of thousands of soldiers grouped around the Gaza Strip, but also to organize logistics: ammunition, field hospitals and all military equipment in general.

“This military operation could take months.”

Gadi Shamni, former commander in the Israeli army

on Kan, Israeli public radio

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This period is therefore conducive to reflection, explains Gadi Shamni: “If we want to control the territory, it could last a few weekssays the former commander in the Israeli army. Then, it will be necessary to dismantle the structure of the movement, in other words attack its soldiers“. The main issue for the ex-soldier being firstly to “locate“the fighters. The task promises to be arduous for the IDF:”I was commander of the area around Gaza. We are going to come up against fierce resistance: we are talking about thousands of activists, people hiding in galleries and tunnels. This is a process that will take a long time“, he believes.

A medium-scale offensive planned

With all options carefully weighed, many Israeli specialists are leaning towards a medium-scale air and land offensive. This would involve the IDF preparing targeted ground operations, accompanied by bombings against Hamas infrastructure. But the Israeli army must deal with pressure from public opinion and more particularly from the families of the 199 hostages. They have organized themselves into support committees and are putting pressure on Benjamin Netanyahu’s government to negotiate the release of their loved ones.

>> Israel-Hamas war: Israel’s ground offensive is preparing

Israel seems to be leaving time for diplomacy, especially since the war cabinet, under pressure from the American ally, has authorized the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, blocked a few days ago in Egypt. . Add to this a public opinion still marked by the carnage of October 7, during the Hamas attack, especially since Israeli families all have at least one member engaged in the army. In short: Israel has no good solution and prefers to wait to make the least bad decision.

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