the English championship and Boxing Day maintained despite the Omicron variant

The English clubs decided on Monday to continue the championship during the holiday season, despite several requests for postponement.

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The English clubs decided Monday, December 20 to continue the Premier League season, despite the health situation across the Channel which led to the postponement of six games this weekend.

In a statement, the League expressed its intention to “to keep the current schedule of meetings where it is safe to do so “. The Premier League board has considered the postponement requests, but the option was ruled out due to an alleged risk of damage to the integrity of the competition.

As a result, three championship days scheduled during the holidays, including the traditional Boxing Day (December 26) are maintained. A proposal to postpone matches scheduled for December 28-30, in order to allow additional preparation time for teams affected by infections and injuries, was reportedly rejected.

Chelsea, who on Sunday conceded the draw at Wolverhampton (0-0), had requested the cancellation of their match, but their request was rejected despite seven cases of Covid-19. “We have taken huge risks for the health and safety of the players, not only because of the Covid but also physically”, complained Chelsea coach Thomas Tuchel. Liverpool, the title contender, were also held in check at Tottenham (2-2) on Sunday, with several key players absent due to the coronavirus.

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