“We are going to enter an extremely long period of tension”, estimates the former director of the national police



Video duration:
10 minutes


Article written by

franceinfo – S. Chironi, G. Bornstein

France Televisions

Wednesday October 18, Frédéric Péchenard, former director of the national police and LR vice-president of the Île-de-France region, was the guest of 19/20 info. He notably mentioned the risk of an attack on French soil.

Gerald Darmanin says that we must comb through all the files S. Frédéric Pechenardformer police director national and vice president LR of the Île-de-France region, welcomes this initiative. “I find that Gerald Darmanin is a good Minister of the Interior. He does the job. (…) I believe that the ‘en at the same time’ in terms of security cannot function properly”he explains.

Asked about the future of France, the elected official who says “very worried” answers : “In At this moment, the situation is not tense internationally, it is explosive. We are dealing with a explosion which is that of October 7, a terrorist attack from Hamas on Israel. (…) Obviously, there is a response from Israel which will be very difficult. (…) We are going to enter an extremely long period of tension.” According to him, there will be “other attempts” attack on French soil.

Bomb threats

Frederick Pechenard ensures that he “everything must be feared”both lone wolves and terrorist organizations. He explains that “the true lone wolf doesn’t really exist”, “behind, there are people who helped him, who indoctrinated him.” “We risk having people who attack with knives as well (…) and more trained people, like those from Bataclan or Charlie, who do much more harm”adds the elected official.

Concerning the bomb threats, Frédéric Pechenard estimated “that there is certainly jokers“. However, he ensures that “the multiplicity of these things makes me think that there are people who are politically aware and who do this with the aim of destabilizing the State”.

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