this little-known role that Stromae played in the astronaut’s burnout

From Earth to space, there is only one step… or several thousand kilometers. Despite the great distance, this does not prevent astronauts from interacting with the inhabitants of our planet. Thomas Pesquet recalled and proved this Wednesday October 18, 2023 on
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. On the occasion of the release of his autobiography this Wednesday, the astronaut answered Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine’s many questions and did not hesitate to be frank.

He, for example, spoke of the difficult period he had to face, particularly when he was close to burnout. During this complicated period, the astronaut contacted directly Stromae

as he revealed on set. “I saw a video he made where he talked about his burnout and the relationship with fame, where he had this kind of guilt, because he lives on the love of people”he first remembered before continuing: “At the same time, it’s very positive, but at the same time it weighs heavily on him because it changes a lot of things. And how it was all tangled up, and at one point, he hadn’t managed to get out of it .”

Also see: “I will never be a father”, Thomas Pesquet finally explains why he cannot have children!

Thomas Pesquet, close to depression

Without tongue in cheek, Thomas Pesquet admitted having experienced a situation similar to that to which Stromae was confronted a few years ago, notably when he returned to Earth. Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, surprised by this statement, then asked him if the specter of burn-out had hovered over his head.

The astronaut didn’t really answer in the affirmative. However, he acknowledged that after returning to Earth following his first mission, it was not always easy. “I don’t like to say no, I like to please. All the good causes in the world have asked me to help them. God knows there are some – sick children, the environment… – things that we cannot refuse”he initially confided before adding: “But you can’t say yes to everyone, it’s physically impossible. And I found myself sacrificing all my time with my loved ones and family as I returned from a mission and two years of training , because I couldn’t say no and protect myself.” The fact of having refused certain requests was very complicated for him.


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