There is always someone who is against apple pie

The specter of social acceptability is no longer the prerogative of bulldozing projects of uncontrolled real estate development or the construction of a new factory emitting dangerous particles. It now extends to initiatives that we once took for granted would be natural.

The era when the construction of a school, a park or a water treatment plant was unanimously welcomed is over. Today, every project, regardless of its size or scope, is scrutinized, analyzed and, often, contested. The unanimity of a project has become a chimera, because each project has its opponent, its complainer. There will always be someone who thinks that we put too much cinnamon or not enough sugar in the project. Each proposal is a call for a dialogue, sometimes conflicting, sometimes constructive, but which has become necessary.

Polarization is no longer the exception, it has become the rule. However, as a community, we have a duty to transform the reflex of disagreement into collaboration. A project must fit into an environment, a community, an ecosystem. To ignore this reality is to alienate potential allies and exacerbate opposition.

The challenge now is not to convince, but to do things together. Social acceptability should not be a barrier to a project, but a bridge for its construction. In an era where cynicism is seen as a sign of intelligence, let’s view each new project as an opportunity for dialogue or collaboration.

The question is no longer whether there will be opposition, but how we, as a community, will navigate these often stormy waters. And above all, you have to be prepared for it. Social acceptability is a journey we take together, an ongoing dialogue, a delicate balance between progress and preservation.

We can no longer afford to work in isolation. Conversation, although complex and sometimes uncomfortable, is essential. Thus, the next park, the next school or the establishment of a supervised injection site will not simply be an imposed project, but the fruit of an enriching dialogue, the tangible manifestation of an engaged, informed and respectful community. .

Because, after all, it doesn’t matter whether it’s apple or blueberry pie, the important thing is to unify our forces around the same table.

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