in Ramallah, Palestinians want to make their anger heard

Friday, a day of prayer, the situation was particularly tense on the border between the West Bank and Israel. In support of the inhabitants of Gaza, they attack the Israeli soldiers on the other side of the border post as best they can.

A week after Hamas’s attack on Israel, after eight days of war, Friday was marked by prayer and a massive call to demonstrate. The Old City of Jerusalem was sealed off and the situation in the West Bank was explosive. At least 16 Palestinians have been killed in clashes with Israeli forces, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry.

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At the exit of Ramallah, there are burning tires and thick black smoke. Cars are honking Some young people are whistling, others are watching, including Ahmad, 33, who watches this usual ball andConfrontations at the checkpoint with the Israeli army.

“There, you see, these young men, they are only throwing stonesAhmad shows. Opposite, there are the Israelis. They come down from the top of the hill and fire tear gas, but also live ammunition. There are also snipers there. Sometimes young people throw fireworks. We usually use them for parties, but this time it’s to resist the occupation.”

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Below, rescuers wait for the injured. An ambulance speeds off and heads to the nearest hospital. The faces freeze. There is no death this time, but there is anger and a desire to be heard, explains another resident.

“It’s simple, you know: Palestine is the West Bank and Gazahe summarizes. The Gaza Strip is under attack. Those who are dying right now are children, women… They are civilians.” So, in the West Bank, Palestinians are trying to show their anger and their support. “This is the most they can do here, because options are limited in the West Bank.”

Everyone speaks of a political vacuum,an absent Palestinian authority,an abandonment of Western capitals. VSIt’s been a long time since we expected anything from them, they point out.

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