Gérald Darmanin accuses Jean-Luc Mélenchon of favoring the “importation” of the conflict into France with his “ignominious remarks”

According to the Minister of the Interior, guest of France Inter this Thursday, “there is something very cynical in the behavior of Mr Mélenchon”.

“The ignominious remarks of Mr Mélenchon or Madame Panot do not, it seems to me, allow for public peace” And “do not avoid the importation of conflict” in the Middle East, accuses the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, Thursday October 12 on France Inter.

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Since the start of the Hamas offensive against Israel, the leader of La France insoumise (LFI) has – among other things – weighed up the actions of the Islamist organization and the policy of the Israeli government. As for the president of the LFI group in the Assembly, she refused to characterize this movement as “terrorist”.

For Gérald Darmanin, “there is something very cynical in the behavior of Mr. Mélenchon, who wants to speak to the street”. “He thinks the neighborhood street is pro-Palestinian”, he adds. To his “notice”the former candidate for the Élysée “does not have a particular vision and extremely deep convictions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for 50 years”.

“Unbearable comments”

“On the other hand, he has an electoral conviction: if he recovers the districts, then he is in the second round of the presidential election, so he adds more to the caricature”says the boss of Beauvau. “It’s truly ignominious to do this on the back of the massacres that took place in Israel”, he is still indignant. For him, “we must denounce this”.

Gérald Darmanin goes even further. It makes the link between “unbearable comments made by Mr. Mélenchon” And “the way in which the Jews of France feel threatened”. More generally, he questions “the consequence of the comments of political leaders who consider that ultimately, all of this is a response from Hamas to Israel”. “It can break people’s minds and it’s extremely serious”he warns.

Tuesday October 10, the minister announced that the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA) of Philippe Poutou was the target of an investigation for advocating terrorism after a press release supporting the Palestinians and “to the means of struggle that they have chosen to resist”. “Intifada!” concluded the NPA.

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