DIRECT. Follow the debates in the National Assembly around the parliamentary niche of the National Rally

D-Day for the National Rally. Marine Le Pen’s group presents, Thursday, October 12, a series of legislative proposals as part of its parliamentary niche which begins at 9 a.m. and ends at midnight. With its consensual texts, including a proposal on endometriosis, the RN hopes to obtain the support of other groups, which has never obtained a legislative victory since the start of this 16th legislature. Follow the debates in the hemicycle live.

Endometriosis at the heart of the niche. The far-right party presents seven legislative proposals, but not all of them can be examined, as the niche ends at midnight. In first position: a proposal for women suffering from endometriosis, which aims to grant the approximately 1.5 to 2.5 million women affected a long-term condition status, and to those who wish it a disabled worker status. Consensual, this text gave a cold sweat to the left and the majority, divided on the position to adopt.

White cabbage in commission. In the Social Affairs Committee, on October 4, this proposal was rejected, in particular by the deputies of the presidential camp. The deputies also rejected six other texts examined. Among them, the elimination or suspension of family allowances for parents of delinquent children, the reduction of the French energy bill, the ban on inclusive writing, or the granting of political asylum to Julian Assange.

The attitude of the left and the right. If the entire left castigated in committee “opportunism” of the RN, behavior during the vote varied: some, like Sandrine Rousseau, voted against, others, including LFI or PS deputies, did not. On the contrary, the Republicans were the only allies of the RN, and did not hesitate to support certain proposals, believing that they joined or took up its ideas, on endometriosis, bone tests on young migrants, sanctions against parents of certain delinquent children or inclusive writing.

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