Kate Middleton forced to cook special meals for him

In addition to being a princely couple, adored wherever they go, the duo Kate Middleton and William are always open to interviews. In fact, the parents of Charlotte, Louis, and George take advantage of their appearance on television sets or on the airwaves to make some revelations about their relationship and their daily lives. The proof, during their passage on BBC Radio 1 this Tuesday October 10, 2023.

The lovebirds responded to the show’s invitation Going Home with Vick and Jordan on Radio 1 to take part in the forum on mental health to which Tuesday was devoted. The opportunity for Prince William and Kate Middleton to answer questions from a few listeners and reveal who was the king of the kitchen in the couple. “Are you cooking tonight?” launched the Duchess of Cambridge before her companion retorted: “No, I think it’ll probably be a curry, won’t it tonight? It depends on what time we get back”.

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Prince William, forced not to abuse spices

It seems that the Prince of Wales hit the nail on the head: “Yeah, it’ll probably be a salmon curry or teriyaki, something like that.”, confirmed his companion. The opportunity for the hosts of the show, Jordan North and Vick Hope, to ask their guests if they preferred “mild” or “spicy” curries. Unfortunately for William, although he enjoys spices, it has become almost impossible for him to ingest them.

“I can’t eat too much spice, because it makes me sweat. It’s not elegant”, Harry’s brother admitted frankly. And this problem handicaps his partner. In fact, she said she liked the spices. In fact, in order not to “ruin the dish” for her husband, she adds “extra spices at the end”. A revelation that greatly amused Prince William. He even joked: “Kate has to bring the dish slowly to the table because otherwise I’ll sweat too much. It’s not a pretty sight!”


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