What does it change to go shopping?

In Germany, since December 19, 2021, there are new restrictions for unvaccinated French people: 5 days isolation is imposed.

Not everyone is affected.

In Germany, France has just joined the club of high-risk countries like last year at the same time.

As a result, the rules are getting tougher especially for those who are not vaccinated at all and those who do not have the 3rd dose.

For everyone else (those cured of covid, fully vaccinated, frontier workers) nothing changes.

Nothing changes for the races in Germany … but it depends on what you buy!

Can we continue to go shopping at DM or in German supermarkets in general?

It’s a yes.

The French can still enter German territory as long as they stay there for less than 24 hours.

If you are staying more than 24 hours, the German Embassy in France will tell you what to do on its website.

Then to enter the shops, it gets a little complicated.

There are businesses with exceptions (what we used to call “essential businesses” with us) and those without exception (non-essential stores).

Are considered essential:

– pharmacies,

– brands that sell food (Globus, Rewe, Real, Kaufland even if it’s not just food): be careful, some of these brands may decide to apply restrictions anyway, but they are not required to do so,

– opticians,

– booksellers,

– florists,

– newsagents,

– dry cleaning,

— the banks

– and drugstores (DM, Muller, Rossmann).

In all these stores, you can enter whatever your situation and on condition that you do not stay more than 24 hours in the country.

Rewe © Getty

For all other businesses: no vaccine, no shopping!

On the other hand, in the shopping centers which do not sell food, the unvaccinated do not come in any more.

This is the case at the Zweibrucken fashion outlet (or at the thermal baths of the Saarland): vaccine with 3 doses to enter… or vaccine with 2 doses and a negative test of less than 24 hours.

Most of the time, establishments will offer you to take a test on site.

What you must remember :

Apart from the “essential” shops mentioned above:

– No vaccine, you don’t even come home with a test.

– 2-dose vaccine… you will be asked for an additional test.

– 3-dose vaccine, that’s good.

For all restaurants, it will be a 2 or 3 dose vaccine… with always an additional test.

And at Lux …

In Luxembourg, all shops remain accessible to everyone except restaurants where you have to be vaccinated or cured … the test alone no longer passes in the Grand Duchy in restaurants.

source site-35