an investigation opened after around ten homes were targeted by explosions

The national anti-terrorism prosecutor’s office will be notified of these acts, said the Ajaccio prosecutor’s office.

Around ten homes near Ajaccio (Southern Corsica) were targeted by explosions on Sunday October 8 in the evening. Five homes, including several second homes, suffered damage in a succession of almost simultaneous explosions between 10:30 p.m. and 10:45 p.m., in the villages of Bastelicaccia, Tavaco, Vico, Villanova and Vignanello, said the Ajaccio public prosecutor’s office. These explosions caused no injuries and no tags or messages of protest have yet been found at the scene.

An investigation was opened for destruction by dangerous means and transport of explosives, entrusted jointly to the research section of the gendarmerie and the judicial police. The national anti-terrorism prosecutor’s office will be notified of these acts, said the Ajaccio prosecutor’s office.

Attacks in Haute-Corse

According to France 3 Corse Via Stella, explosions also affected Haute-Corse, in Lucciana, Brando and Santa-Riparata-di-Balagna. The deminers also intervened in Ghisonaccia, where they defused explosives in a second home.

The last such “blue night” dates back to March 2019, when seven homes were seriously damaged by explosions or fires across the island. Two people were sentenced to six years in prison in this case. Even without a claim, the prosecutor had judged “the terrorist dimension” facts “fully characterized”.

Since 2021, Corsica has experienced an increase in arson attacks and explosions mainly targeting second homes, most often accompanied by nationalist tags. These explosions were claimed, some by the Corsican National Liberation Front (FLNC), others by the GCC movement (Ghjuventù Clandestina Corsa), an underground Corsican youth movement.

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