demonstrations in support of Hamas


Video duration:
1 minute


The Hamas attack sparked scenes of jubilation in some countries, such as Iran, Turkey and Lebanon. Overview.

In the southern suburbs of Beirut (Lebanon), the Palestinian anthem resonates, while thousands of people proudly brandish the flag. A little further away, it is with horns that supporters of Hezbollah celebrate for themselves a historic day, the Palestinian operation in Israel. “This is a historic act, which will allow us to annihilate the Zionist entity, which is not only an occupying force, but also a usurper”confides a man.

Support for Yemen and Turkey

In Yemen, a tide of people chants slogans to celebrate Hamas’ surprise attack on Israel. In front of the mosque in Fatih, Turkey, demonstrators took part in a march for Fatah. “Greetings to Hamas, continue the resistance”, can we read on a sign. In several Arab countries, such as Iraq, Israeli flags were burned. Everyone wants Hamas to win.

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