CARDS. For the price of a Parisian studio, what can you buy in your department?

According to the Observatory of the Particulier à Particulier (PAP) platform, for the median price of a Parisian studio, it is possible to acquire a 206 m² accommodation in Saint-Etienne or an apartment of 100 m² in a ski resort .

This is an observation that will surprise no one: Paris remains the city in France where median property prices are the highest. This is what emerges from a study by the Individual to Individual Observatory (PAP), a platform where it is possible to buy, sell or rent an apartment.

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An average Parisian studio (25 m²) costs 267,000 euros. For the same amount, in Nièvre, it is possible to afford a house of around 260 m², the study details, or a property of 89 m² in Marseille or 52 m² in Lyon.

If in some cities 267,000 euros allows you to afford housing of more than 100 m², in others, prices are closer to those in Île-de-France. Thus, in Bordeaux, Lyon or Marseille, the surfaces are more around 50 m² for the same price.

Prices in a city are not uniform, as Particulier à Particulier (PAP) notes. Thus, in Paris, the cheapest district is La Chapelle (€203,900) and the most expensive is Odéon (€400,000 median price for a 25 m² apartment).

The coasts remain expensive, the Creuse department the cheapest

Outside of large cities, the study also looks at median prices in the departments. And unsurprisingly, the Atlantic coast and especially the Mediterranean coast are among the departments with the highest prices.

With the price of a Parisian studio, you can, for example, buy an apartment of around 100 m² in the mountains. Isère thus displays a median price of 2,629 euros per m² and “this does not only concern the valley resorts, but also high altitude ski resorts”notes the study, which takes the example of Chamrousse, “a family resort which offers an average price of €2,584 per square meter”.

Investing 267,000 euros also allows you to buy a fully equipped barge, a house in the West Indies, or even an “atypical property” (castle, renovating mill, former convent), notes the specialized site.

To obtain these results, PAP used the median price per square meter, that is to say the price above and below which precisely 50% of apartments are located. Unlike the average, it does not take into account the extremes (an apartment which would be excessively expensive and which would push up the average even though it is an anomaly).

source site-19
