Video duration:
1 minute
According to Bill Gates, planting trees to limit CO2 emissions would be a futile practice. Is this statement correct? Response elements.
Bill Gates recently said: “I don’t plant trees.” According to him, focusing solely on planting trees to fight global warming is “total nonsense”. So, is it absurd to plant trees to save the planet? It’s more complicated than it seems. If we emphasize the need to plant trees, it is because they absorb and store CO2. According to a study, massive reforestation, coupled with other measures, could reduce our CO2 emissions by a third. So it’s an important tool.
Trees planted in inappropriate places
However, this remains insufficient to offset our carbon dioxide emissions. Especially since young, recently planted trees capture much less CO2 than older trees.
Furthermore, in several places on the planet, trees have been planted in inappropriate locations or with very poor species diversity, as in Spain. As a result, these trees may be more vulnerable to disease. They store less CO2, consume more water and represent a loss for biodiversity.
From our sources
The study on the impact of reforestation
A France TV report on eucalyptus forests in Spain
Non-exhaustive list