in Saint-Jean-d’Illac, the college where cycling is king



Video duration:
2 min

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – M. Gracia, A. Forveille, J. Pires

France Televisions

Direction Saint-Jean-d’Illac, in Gironde, where the college has been specially designed to accommodate students by bike. A report in partnership with Le Parisien-Aujourd’hui in France.

Cycling every morning has become a reflex for these college students. To reach their establishment in Saint-Jean-d’Illac (Gironde), 90% come by bike. Luka, 11 years old, has been traveling 3 km since he started middle school a year ago. He first finds his friend, then they take the cycle path, well separated from the road. In the shelter, the two comrades enjoy a little air of freedom. In front of the college, the municipal police do traffic morning and evening. On arrival, there are as many bike spaces as there are students.

The teachers involved

The garage was planned when the establishment was built in 2006. Luka and his friend wouldn’t change this routine for anything in the world. In this college, all the teachers are involved. A sports class is particularly dedicated to cycling. “It can be good, to brake, to stay a little skillful. And so as not to rush into the others, too”, comments Hanae, a student. Preparation is done from primary school, “where students learn to ride“, explains Sandra Lefumat, the principal of the college. “And in CM2, they take a bike license“, she adds.

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