Catherine Laborde ill, her husband reveals the secrets of her daily life

On January 1, 2017, Catherine Laborde

bowed out during a final presentation of his weather report. : “You will forget me, I will not forget you“, she confided in conclusion.
The reasons for his retirement are actually linked to his illness. And for good reason, Catherine Laborde

has had Lewy body disease for seven years. If the couple appeared together on Konbini in 2020, it was alone that Thomas Stern came to Faustine Bollaert’s set. “Catherine has a slowly progressive disease but also a neurodegenerative disease, a cocktail between Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, there are motor disorders, language, anxiety attacks, hallucinations, it’s a tough picture…”, began by telling the companion of the former weather presenter.

Before specifying: “She has just entered a phase where she has difficulty expressing herself, she understands what is said to her but she has great difficulty formulating things and therefore communication becomes extremely complicated.“.

Unfailing support

See also: Catherine Laborde’s farewells

Thomas Stern then gave the reason for the absence of his partner at his side who had come to testify four years previously. “Today such a thing would be difficult”he confided not without emotion.

Thomas Stern tirelessly supports his wife for whom he has become a caregiver. “I think I’ve never felt more like his man than in being his caregiver. I think the difference between a caregiver and a caregiver is that the illness exists for both, but the caregiver always looks for the person in the patient, even if he has to nourish it with memories, revive it, reincarnate it. We cannot do otherwise otherwise a break sets in.” he clarified. Upsetting news that may affect fans of Catherine Laborde.


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