the sheave approaches 3,000 patients, more than 50,000 cases per day

Resuscitation services continue to fill up in French hospitals, while the number of cases remains at a high level.

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The epidemic continues to progress. Resuscitation services, where the number of patients with Covid-19 rose again at the end of November, are approaching 3,000 patients, while the daily average of contaminations settles above 50,000, according to published figures Sunday December 19 by Public Health France.

The evolution of the number of patients in intensive care, as of December 19, 2021 (FRANCEINFO)

These critical care services, where the most serious cases are treated, had 2,936 patients on Sunday, against 2,933 the day before. There were 91 admissions in 24 hours. A total of 15,528 patients are hospitalized, compared to 15,370 the day before. The trend has been a clear increase over the past month, a period over which this figure has almost doubled (+ 97%). Public Health France reports 48,473 new cases in 24 hours, the daily average over the last seven days exceeding 52,000 daily cases.

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