after Lens’ exploit against Arsenal in the Champions League, the “indescribable” emotion of the supporters at the Bollaert stadium

Nobody really believed it, but the Sang et Or did it: they knocked down the Londoners Arsenal 2 goals to 1 in an incandescent Bollaert stadium.

“It’s finished, it’s historic, it’s magnificent! Bollaert is standing! Lens did it!” On the scoreboard, the Sang et Or are in front, two goals to one. In the stands, the spectators explode, they who pushed their team for 90 minutes, between The Corons and their now classic “Olélé Olala? But what happened? We messed with them!”.

>> Football: character, providential men and burning public… How Lens rose to Champions League level for its return to Bollaert

As we leave the stadium, eyes are red, and there is still emotion to spare. Because the feat is significant: Racing Club de Lens remains undefeated in the Champions League, after their draw against Sevilla, and are even leaders of their group. And if Bollaert is used to memorable atmospheres, this reunion with the Champions League, after 21 years, will remain engraved in memories. “It’s just magnificent in fact, it’s not even describable, we’ve been waiting for these moments for more than 20 years, it’s just unexpected”confides a supporter.

“We relive the emotions of the end of the 90s”

This is why the party continued long after the match, as if this evening was never going to end. “It’s incrediblesays Patrick with a broken voice. One is happy ! We relive the emotions of the end of the 90s, frankly, it’s incredible! Communion at the end of the match, during the match, before the match… We come there to experience that!”

Tuesday evening, European football rediscovered a club, but also this unique fervor of the Bollaert stadium, and the supporters still in disbelief at the path traveled. “You’re going to make me cry!“, said another.

“Six years ago, we fought not to go down to the National, and now, we are first in our group in the Champions League with our values!”

A supporter of RC Lens

at franceinfo

Meanwhile, in the locker room, the party is also in full swing, with the flavor of major European cup matches.

“Always a symbiosis”

Those involved in the match also had a lot of emotion during this shock, starting with the symbol of the evening, Adrien Thomasson, guilty of an error which led to the English goal, and author of a splendid equalizer. “From the warm-up, I felt it was a special match. Then, on the pitch, during the goals, during the hot actions, I felt that the supporters were pushing us. An extraordinary moment“, he slips.

A true communion in one of the temples of French football which, however, did not happen as if by magic, Lensois coach Franck Haise would like to point out: “The public transcended us, but we also transcended the supporters. It’s always a symbiosis: it’s not one without the other, it’s always with each other, and that makes for great evenings.“, he smiled at a press conference.

Lensois’ next opponent: PSV Eindhoven, still at the Bollaert stadium, on October 24… after the Northern derby, against Losc, Sunday October 8. In the meantime, it will be PSG’s turn to shine. The Parisian players travel to the English pitch at Newcastle, Wednesday October 4, at 9 p.m.

The emotion of Lensois supporters in the Champions League at the microphone of Nicolas Peronnet

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