three good news that arrived in September

From the victory of indigenous peoples in Brazil to the rise in the number of African rhinos, the past month has been marked by environmental victories. NOWU, the environmental digital media of France Télévision, has listed some of them.

Worrying environmental news has multiplied in recent months, so NOWU invites you to discover three good green news that occurred in September and which will cheer you up.

  • The number of African rhinos on the rise

The population of African rhinos increased by 5% in one year, exceeding 23,000 individuals in 2022, according to a study of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) published on September 21.

This increase would be linked in part to several initiatives taken for the protection of these animals, including the African Parks Foundation project, the purchase of a huge park and its breeding of 2000 rhinos which will be released into the wild over the course of of the next few years.

Rhinos are still victims of poaching for their horn with supposed medicinal properties. At the start of the 20th century there were nearly 500,000 rhinos on Earth compared to fewer than 27,000 today.

  • Brazil: victory of the auto peoplesnatives for their lands

It is the trial of the century according to the defenders of Indigenous Peoples ! The Supreme Court of Brazil ruled, Thursday, September 21, in favor of indigenous land rights in a historic victory, following a trial started in 2021. This court consolidated their rights to their lands, rejecting the positions defended by the powerful agro-trading sector (this is the wholesale trade of cereals, tobacco, seeds and livestock feed).

The issue was crucial because the spaces allocated to indigenous peoples are considered by scientists as ramparts against deforestation and therefore play a key role in the fight against global warming and preservation of biodiversity.

  • The law on renewable energies adopted in Europe

The European Parliament voted by majority, Tuesday September 12, for Member States to go from 22 to 42% renewable energy consumed by 2030.

Concerning the transport sector, States will have to choose by 2030 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 14.5% through the use of renewables, or to achieve a 29% share of renewable energies in consumption. final energy of the sector.

The European Union also plans for 49% renewables in the energy consumption of buildings, with a progressive greening trajectory for heating and cooling.

NOWU it’s the positive media to get informed and take action for the planet! Its mission: to enable young Europeans to become actors in the face of environmental challenges through guilt-free and solution-oriented content.

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