leaves start to grow in autumn


Video duration:
1 minute

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – L.Gublin, C.Sinz, V.Gaglione, M.Gracia, JL.Boulesteix, F.Mazou, E.Maizy, V.Castel

France Televisions

Global warming is increasingly visible all over the world, particularly in France. Nature is lost there because of the extreme heat.

In the Paris region, Brigitte can’t believe it. For the past few days, his cherry tree has been blooming in the middle of October. “What is surprising is that a tree which normally produces flowers in April makes a second flowering.” she specifies. Some trees would experience a second spring. In Beauvais (Oise), it was 27 degrees on Monday October 2, worrying weather for farmers. “The risk is that the tree will start to flower very quickly”says a farmer.

Flowering off schedule

Normally, trees should enter the dormant period, the trees should go dormant and growth stops. The trees pause to protect themselves from the cold, but the natural cycle is disrupted by the extreme heat. “We are on a bud which has resumed its growth and at the end an inflorescence with flowers which are not fully formed. This stock was planned for next spring”underlines Evelyne Costes, from INRAE-AGAP.

Among Our sources:

After the hottest September, October begins with records

Non-exhaustive list

source site-23
