5 dead and around 20 injured

In Reunion, a very serious fire which caused the death of five people including four from the same family, forced the evacuation of 300 people at the beginning of the week.

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Five dead and twenty wounded, this is the heavy toll of the fire which devastated a building in Saint-Denis in Reunion Island, on the night of Sunday 12 to Monday 13 December. The origin of the incident is not yet known.

Dozens of families, who lost everything in the fire, were offered emergency housing by the SDIR, the Société Immobilière du Département de la Réunion. But around thirty of them refuse these proposals and prefer to stay in the gymnasium where they have been accommodated since Monday. Report by Hermione Razafinarivo, Réunion la 1ère.

It’s not easy to work “outdoors” at the moment near St-Pierre-et-Miquelon! In this small archipelago located in the North Atlantic, very close to Newfoundland, winters are harsh and construction sites must be suspended. However, the recent reform of unemployment insurance penalizes workers forced to return home. The explanations of Pascal Allen-Mahé, building contractor in Saint-Pierre at the microphone ofAllison Audoux, from Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon the 1st.

After months of activity disrupted by health restrictions and with the approach of the end of year celebrations, the “small artisans” of Martinique are working hard to try to recover their customers. A crucial period for their turnover. Audrey Govindin, Martinique the 1st;

And in a completely different register, the investigators of the Antistupéfiants Office of Martinique announced this week the seizure of 1 ton 4 of cocaine. The operation, carried out ten days ago in several towns on the island, is the culmination of an investigation started in 2018. Six men were also arrested. The merchandise was intended for the French and European market.

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