After having enjoyed international success, the series Lupine
returns to the delight of fans of the adventures of the character invented by Maurice Leblanc!
Created by George Kay and François Uzan, this 100% French production carried by Omar Sy
is now one of the streaming platform’s flagship French productions. Indeed, the first seasons were able to conquer subscribers of the streaming platform through the ingenuity of Assane Diop’s moves.
The sensational return of the gentleman burglar
After having avenged his father by revealing all misdeeds from Hubert Pellegrini to justice, Assane Diop now lives in the clandestinityfar from his wife Claire and his son Raoul who are constantly stalked by the paparazzi And monitored by the authorities. Pursued by the police forceTHE gentleman burglar then on the run will continue his Exploitseven increasing their intensity.
In this third opus, “France’s most wanted fugitive” as he is called in the trailer will try to achieve a dangerous robbery in jewelry store on Place Vendôme that he had missed years before. THE booty ? A mysterious And extremely rare Black pearl from Tahiti. But the ghosts of the past are never far away, and a unexpected return will upset his plans.

A casting well known to fans of the series
Don’t worry: you will obviously be able to find all the main actors from the Serie. here is list of all those who should resume their roles:
Omar Sy : Assane Diop
Ludivine Sagnier : Clear
Etan Simon : Raoul
Antoine Gouy : Benjamin Ferel
Soufiane Guerrab : Lieutenant Youssef Guedira
Shirine Boutella : lieutenant Sofia Belkacem
An imminent arrival on our small screens
THE seven episodes of season 3 will be available on Netflix on October 5, 2023. At this time, we do not know if other seasons are planned. Rumors suggest the hypothesis of a possible spin off. To be confirmed in the coming weeks!
A shoot full of mishaps
Remember: on February 25, 2022, the film crew of the series was the victim of a
in the town of Nanterre, located in the Paris suburbs. Around twenty individuals stole 300,000 euros of equipment.
An unusual advertising campaign…
To announce the imminent arrival from the third season of Lupine, Netflix one unusual advertising campaign
. A few days before its release, the platform with the red N hijacked posters of major luxury brands, like Rolex, Hermes or Tiffany & Co. How ? By removing from the displays all jewelry, which has been mysteriously stolen.