Alice Detollenaere, “crazy” mother with Marius? His poignant message, greeted by Camille Lacourt

On June 2, 2021, the life of Camille Lacourt and Alice Detollenaere changed radically. The lovers – in a relationship since April 2019 – have become parents of a little boy named Marius, who has literally changed their daily lives. Happy mother, the swimmer’s sweetheart now makes it a point of honor to be very present for her first child.

Sincere, Jazz’s mother-in-law (9 years old, fruit of the love between Camille Lacourt and Valérie Bègue) has recently returned to work. A heartbreak for this young mother who would have liked not to separate from her son. Touching, she wanted to tell how she had experienced this first big step in her life as a young mother.

I am happy to have returned to work. And at the same time I am aware of having entered this terrible world of parents where one has the impression that every second spent away from her child is a second lost forever“, she explains, before adding:”Me who was ‘eager to come back to my life’, to do sport again, to go out, to put my heels back on … I meet women, mothers who claim their freedom, who tell me that I’m crazy to keep my son in my room at 6 months, that I should let him cry and not come to his aid whenever he needs me. Mashed corn why do we have children if it is so that nothing changes?

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