Brigitte Bardot attacks a farmer in “Love is in the meadow”!

On September 13, the former candidate for the show “L’amour est dans le pré” Laurent Levacher was sentenced to four months in prison for abandoning animals. Known for having participated in season 14 of the famous M6 channel program, the 48-year-old man was in fact prosecuted when in 2020, local authorities noticed that his 400 cattle appeared to be mistreated.

Very quickly, numerous unbearable videos made the rounds on the Internet, enough to lead the farmer to face several checks on his farm. Accused of having abandoned his cattle, Laurent Levacher was then singled out by the Brigitte Bardot Foundation which works for the protection of animals. “For lack of enough water or food, the animals wandered into the streets to find food elsewhere. Abandoned carcasses were found in the fields and some animals were very thin and in a deplorable state of health. One of them had to be euthanized” had even confided a member of the foundation in the columns of Parisian.

Facing the judge during the trial held in Rouen, Laurent Levacher then tried to defend himself. “I put all my energy into my animals. I admit, I gave up administration at one point to take care of my animals. But this livestock is my life.” he assured in tears. Despite this, the representative of the Rouen public prosecutor’s office, Elise Mallet, estimated that the accused was not “able to exercise his profession satisfactorily”, emphasizing that there had been “17 handrails for lack of care, 112 handrails for lack of water, a very high mortality rate, beyond the norm.

Laurent Levacher tackled by Brigitte Bardot
This Monday, October 2, 2023, Brigitte Bardot, through her foundation, decided to give it another layer by making an announcement on Twitter. “Death is in the meadow: 450 cattle under the protection of the FBB! Thin, even cachectic, injured, untreated, living among the corpses of their fellows, the cattle of a former candidate of “Love is in the meadow” survived in a catastrophic environment. At present, everyone benefits from individual care and lives peacefully under the protection of the Foundation which already has responsibility for more than 10,000 animals, including 2,000 cattle!” can we read on a published message.

We then learn that the association literally saved the animals in question by providing them with a framework. “At present, everyone benefits from individual care and lives peacefully under the protection of the Foundation which already has responsibility for more than 10,000 animals, including 2,000 cattle!” it is indeed specified.


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