Several activities organized for Seniors Day

(Montreal) 1er October marks International Day of Older Adults.

The Minister responsible for Seniors in Quebec and Minister for Health, Sonia Bélanger, takes the opportunity to recall “our common responsibility for an inclusive society that recognizes the essential and valuable contribution of seniors”.

“This thematic day, established at the initiative of the United Nations in 1990, is intended to be an annual moment of reflection on the rights of seniors and the principles attached to them, namely, well-treatment,” indicates her in a press release.

“Please know that my objective is to continue to work in close collaboration with all our partners to offer better conditions for active and healthy aging to all seniors in Quebec,” declared Bélanger.

The minister will also participate on Sunday morning in the 3 km walk LET’S ACT TOGETHER for the well-being of seniors in Montreal. The kick-off will be given at Jeanne-Mance Park and Louise DesChâtelets will deliver the opening speech.

The Regional Tables for Seniors of Quebec are organizing several activities throughout Quebec to mark this day.

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