In Switzerland, thousands of people demonstrate for the climate three weeks before the parliamentary elections

According to the organizers, around 60,000 people marched through the streets of Bern to denounce the “inaction” of the Swiss authorities on climate matters.

More than “climate justice”. Several thousand people demonstrated on Saturday September 30 in the streets of the Swiss capital, Bern, to demand better climate protection, around three weeks before the parliamentary elections. “Anger over inaction on climate policy and the devastating and deadly consequences of the climate crisis has mobilized groups of all ages and backgrounds”reacted in a press release the organizers of the event, united within the Swiss Climate Alliance.

The demonstrators demand that environmental destruction stop and that the climate objectives of the Paris agreement be respected. “No planet, no health” (“No planet, no health”), “Climate justice now!”, “Stop the madness”was it possible to read on the signs.

According to the organizers, the demonstrators numbered 60,000, but the Swiss police, as usual, gave no count. After marching through the streets of Bern, the demonstrators occupied the entire large square facing the Federal Palace, seat of government and parliament.

The climate, one of the main concerns of the Swiss

The organizers denounced in particular the revision of the CO2 law proposed by the government, which, according to them, was “watered down” this week by senators. MPs have yet to vote on the bill, which provides for Switzerland to achieve around two thirds of the emissions reduction internally and the remaining third abroad.

>> Climate crisis: Swiss glaciers have melted as much in the last two years as between 1960 and 1990

This demonstration occurs less than a month before the parliamentary elections of October 22. The climate remains one of the main concerns of the Swiss, but the subject has so far occupied a less central place than in the previous elections four years ago. A poll published at the beginning of September by Swiss public television RTS shows a decline in the Greens (left) and a weakening of the Green Liberals (center).

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