a heat peak expected this weekend and Monday in France

While the country recorded the hottest month of September in its history, the beginning of October will experience very high temperatures in places.



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Many monthly heat records could be exceeded in October 2023. (JEAN-MARC BARRERE / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

The Indian summer is particularly late and hot this year in France. While the metropolis recorded the hottest month of September in its history, continuing a series of almost two years above seasonal norms, the mercury remained very high at the start of October. A heat peak is expected for the transition weekend between the two months, Météo France announces.

Saturday September 30, anticyclonic conditions persist and even warmer air will rise from the Iberian Peninsula, warns the meteorological institute. LMinimum temperatures are between 8 and 12 degrees in the northern half of the country, between 12 and 16 further south and around 18 to 20 on the shores of the Mediterranean. In the hottest part of the afternoon, temperatures will be between 19 and 24 from Brittany towards Ile-de-France, Hauts-de-France and the Grand-Est, between 25 and 31 further south. with peaks at 32 or 33 in the hinterland of Languedoc-Roussillon.

Equivalent to temperatures close to 40 degrees in summer

Sunday, “from Midi-Toulouse to Gironde, maximum temperatures could reach nearly 34-35 degrees locally, being more than 10 degrees above seasonal norms”, writes Météo France. And to add that “if such anomalies were observed in the middle of summer, it would be equivalent to temperatures close to 40 degrees”.

The heat episode will reach its peak on Monday. Many monthly heat records could be exceeded in the southwest, with peaks at 35 degrees, and in the northeast, indicates the institute, specifying that many stations could observe their first 30 degrees for a month of October since the start of weather records.

Many monthly heat records could be exceeded on Monday October 2, 2023. (METEO FRANCE)

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