School harassment: “Prevention and training of students is essential”, assures Anne-Liz Deba, a former victim of harassment



Video duration:
11 mins

France info

On Wednesday September 27, the government unveiled a series of measures to combat the scourge of school bullying. Present on the 19/20 info set, Anne-Liz Deba, a former victim of harassment and creator of the SMILE workshops, discusses these announcements.

Anne-Liz Debaa former victim of harassment, created the workshop SMILE to fight against this scourge. Asked about the proliferation of testimonies from harassed students, she replied:For years, children have been victims of violence, sexual assault and school harassment. […] I think that in this country for several years, we have finally listened to children. There, there are really [mesures] which are taken.” The one who was harassed from 6th to 4th grade assures that there is “truly a wake-up call.”

“Training of school staff”

Regarding the government’s announcements against school bullying, Anne-Liz Deba noted :Prevention and student training are essential to know how to spot a situation of school bullying, to know how to act. […] During my interventions, this is what I teach the students.” The creator of the workshop SMILE is also delighted to “training of school staff” And “magistrates and police officers”. Finally on empathy courses, Anne-Liz Deba judges that “Its very important”.

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