Population growth | Canada at the top of the G7 countries

Canada is the G7 country with the strongest population growth, and probably ranks among the 20 fastest growing countries in the world.

This is what Statistics Canada said Wednesday morning in revealing the latest data on the issue.

“Clearly, this increase is due to immigration, both permanent and temporary,” said Laurent Martel, director of the demography division at Statistics Canada. Some 400,000 permanent residents were admitted to the country over the past 12 months, while approximately 600,000 non-permanent residents arrived in Canada. »

From 1er July 2022 to 1er July 2023, nearly 98% of population growth in Canada was due to net international migration, while 2% came from the difference between births and deaths, notes Statistics Canada.

“Fertility reached a historic low in 2022 to stand at 1.33 children per woman, compared to 1.44 in 2021,” reports the organization.

More details to come.

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