historic strike in the automobile sector with the support of Joe Biden



Video length:
1 minute


Article written by

France 2 – C. Guttin, A. Filippi, K. Sullivan Den Bergh

France Televisions

In the United States, two presidents are at the bedside of auto industry workers: Joe Biden went to Detroit on Monday, September 25, to support the strikers at Ford, General Motors and Stellantis. Donald Trump is expected to follow on Wednesday. Everyone wants to show that they are on the side of the workers, who are demanding a 40% increase in their wages.

The image is new to States-United: a president who participates in a strike picket. Joe Biden took the megaphone to address the workers. “Wall Street did not build this country. It was the middle class who did it.”, did he declare. In Michigan, he came to support auto industry workers, who have been on strike for 12 days. The historic movement affects the three largest American manufacturers: General Motors, Ford and Stellantis.

An electoral strategy

The employees are demanding a 40% salary increase over four years, and the return of certain benefits linked to retirement and the cost of living, which they had abandoned in 2008. For the American president, providing his support is also a matter of electoral strategy according to Larry Sabato, director of the political center at the University of Virginia. Tomorrow, September 27, Joe Biden’s opponent, Donald Trump, will give a speech to striking workers.

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