The encrypted channel will not make any offers to the Professional Football League. An unexpected turnaround in the history of the broadcast of the French championship.
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First page of the TV rights series. The historic broadcaster of Ligue 1 will not participate in the call for tenders from the Professional Football League (LFP) for TV rights to the French championship over the period 2024-2029. A surprising about-face, revealed by L’Equipe on Monday September 25. This is the second time that the Canal + group has not participated in the call for tenders; it had also refused that of the reattribution of the Mediapro lot.
Two weeks ago, live television broadcasting rights were priced at 800 million euros per season, for five years instead of the usual four. The LFP offered two batches of live matches: un lot number one with the first two choices of each day as well as the fourth choice, the cost of which amounts to 530 million euros per season; and lot two with the third choice and choice matches five to nine, estimated at 270 million euros. Expected to be the main candidate, after the Mediapro fiasco in 2018 and the purchase of certain matches from its partner beIN Sports, the Canal + channel finally announces that it will not fight to obtain one of the prizes. Others Candidates have until October 16 to position themselves.