Around a hundred marches against police violence are being organized this Saturday at the call of several organizations: the CGT, FSU, Attac and Solidaires.
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“We must break with the principle of ever fewer and ever more armed police officers”, pleads Saturday September 23 with France Inter Sophie Binet, general secretary of the CGT, while around a hundred marches are planned for Saturday September 23 against police violence at the call of the CGT, the FSU, Attac or even Solidaires. She explains on franceinfo that “these demonstrations are organized to say that the police must be at the service of the Republic and must not act against the population”.
>> EDITORIAL. The two irreconcilable lefts on the subject of “police violence” will not, however, be able to return to power without each other.
The leader of the CGT union also calls for restoring trust between the police and the population. She denounces on France Inter “deleterious reports which are worrying”. “We must hear the demands of the police who say that in terms of human resources, training, recruitment and order maintenance directives we are putting them in situations of great danger”says Sophie Binet.
“Law enforcement policies are no longer acceptable”
She also calls for “hear the opinion shared by more and more people who say that policing policies are no longer acceptable”. On franceinfo, Sophie Binet considers that“we cannot respond to the revolt that took place in working-class neighborhoods in July [après la mort de Nahel à Nanterre] by the policy of repression”. For the general secretary of the CGT, the riots have indeed raised concerns “important questions on the social situation in working-class neighborhoods, on the state of public services, on the relationship between the police and the population”.
Sophie Binet therefore ensures on France Inter “get away from the robocop type system, with people who arrive overnight in neighborhoods they don’t know, with heavy raids one day and then we leave and abandon the populations”. The general secretary of the CGT regrets that in certain neighborhoods and certain towns populations “find themselves left to their own devices”. “When they need to have a police force to protect and defend them, they find no one”she adds.