The President of Ukraine in Canada | Volodymyr Zelensky: “Thank you, Canada”

(Ottawa) Slava Ukraine! repeatedly, ovations galore, aid of 650 million: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was welcomed with great fanfare in Ottawa, where he came to address the Canadian Parliament on day 576 of the Russian invasion in Ukraine.

Slava Ukraine!

The Ukrainian national salute quickly rang out, and applause rang out as soon as the man who has stood up to Vladimir Putin for 1 year, 6 months and 29 days walked through the doors of a crowded House of Commons, Friday afternoon, in the company from his wife, Olena Zelenska.

In his opening speech, Justin Trudeau paid tribute to him for around twenty minutes, presenting him as a “champion of democracy” to whom the history books will reserve his rightful place.


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during his speech to the House of Commons

Because when he kicked off the large-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the master of the Kremlin imagined himself quickly trampling Kyiv. “But you didn’t let him.” You galvanized the world […] You have shown the world what leadership is,” praised the Prime Minister.

In French and Inuktitut

In his turn to speak, the guest of honor of the Canadian Parliament insisted that Ukraine would end up having the upper hand in this war.

Can we give up? No. […] Can we let our identity be erased? No. The people will win, not the Kremlin.

Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine

He then ventured to say a few words in French.

“Thank you, Canada,” he said, to the great pleasure of the audience of elected officials, senators and other guests.

After French came Inuktitut: Ajuinnata – a concept introduced to him by the Governor General of Canada, Mary Simon, during her visit to Rideau Hall earlier in the day, according to what the leader of Ukraine, dressed in his usual khaki outfit, recounted.


Justin Trudeau hugs Volodymyr Zelensky before his speech to the House of Commons

“She said the meaning of the word is: ‘Don’t give up, stand strong against all odds.’ So it will be like this. AjuinnataCanada! AjuinnataUkraine! Slava Ukraine ! “, he said at the conclusion of his speech.

It was the second time that the Ukrainian leader had given a speech to the Canadian Parliament since the start of the war in Ukraine. The last time, on day 20 of the invasion, however, he spoke by videoconference.

New aid of 650 million

President Zelensky will not return empty-handed.

Justin Trudeau announced Friday the allocation of new aid of 650 million over three years to provide Ukraine with 50 armored vehicles, including medical evacuation vehicles which will be built in London, Ontario.

Because the Ukrainian resistance continues to need the support of its allies, argued the Prime Minister. “I understand that in all countries of the world, we are facing increasingly complex budgetary situations,” he argued at a press conference. In passing, Mr. Trudeau assured Canada’s continued support for Ukraine, “as long as it takes.”

De retour de Washington, où il a été à même de constater la division qui règne au sein du Congrès américain au sujet de l’attribution d’une nouvelle tranche d’aide militaire, Volodymyr Zelensky a appelé à contrer les efforts de « désinformation » et de « propagande » de Moscou.


Volodymyr Zelensky et sa femme, Olena Zelenska

La Russie investit « des milliards pour diviser l’Europe, diviser les États-Unis, diviser le monde » et, de plus, son influence « sur le continent africain est significative », et donc, « il n’y a pas de milieu : soit on soutient l’Ukraine, soit on soutient la Russie », a argué le leader au côté de Justin Trudeau.

L’annonce de vendredi porte le total des engagements du Canada à plus de 9,5 milliards d’aide à l’Ukraine. Le gouvernement canadien a aussi ajouté à sa liste de sanctions 63 personnes et entités, notamment ceux qui ont été « complices du transfert et de la garde illégale d’enfants ukrainiens ».

Remerciements à profusion

Avant de s’adresser au Parlement, le président ukrainien s’était entretenu en privé avec le premier ministre du Canada. Devant les caméras, il a remercié Ottawa d’avoir ouvert ses portes à plus de 175 000 réfugiés ukrainiens, ainsi que pour son soutien militaire et financier.

« Je peux le dire en anglais, en ukrainien – je suis désolé, je ne connais pas le français –, mais je veux dire merci beaucoup à tous les Canadiens. Merci de vous tenir à nos côtés jusqu’à la victoire », a-t-il affirmé, assis dans un fauteuil du bureau du premier ministre.

« C’est un privilège pour nous d’être au Canada, […] in this beautiful country – I know it is beautiful, but I don’t have time to see it. Once we have won, we will definitely come back, perhaps with the children,” he also said.

The two leaders spend the evening in Toronto, where a large rally is being held.

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