how the far right tries to recover the values ​​of the oval

The front page of “Current Values” dedicated to the World Cup organized in France caused a lot of chatter in the oval ball world. Until now, this sport had been protected from political appetites, unlike football.

Plated by Jean Dujardin and Antoine Dupont, journalist Tugdual Denis claims to be “sounded”. “I wasn’t expecting any controversy at all. I had the impression of having done the most consensual coverage in the world. I’m stunned by the bad guys”rails the editorial director of the far-right magazine Current values. Him thought “do well” by surfing on the Rugby World Cup, in its issue published on September 14, to praise this “rooted sport that has become a model for society” with its “well-behaved supporters, its patriotic players and its exemplary values”.

“I don’t see what was wrong with putting the player Antoine Dupont and the actor Jean Dujardin in the cover photo.”

Tugdual Denis, editorial director of “Current Values”

at franceinfo

The Oscar-winning actor saw this very clearly: “France rugby yes, your values ​​no. No recovery. Thank you”, he ended up writing on his social networks on the evening of September 15. In the process, the captain of the Blues will share the same message. “He even erased the logo of Current values as if it were the absolute abomination”deplores the boss of the magazine, which he defines as “conservative right”.

Tugdual Denis was “for an aperitif with friends” when his newspaper was sent back to 22 meters in two sentences: “Sorry, but I don’t see where there is recovery where there is only admiration.” At least 12,000 people agree with him. “The issue ultimately did quite well” sold on newsstands. We made +25% compared to last week’s issue on school bullying.”

The minister kicks in

Inside the magazine, on the fifteen pages, not a word on the Chalureau affair, named after the second line replacing the Blues convicted of racist attack before appealing. But a column from Max Guazzini, former president of Stade français, a plea from host Patrick Sébastien celebrating “rugby culture, the future of our society” or an interview with Stanislas Rigault, young spokesperson for Reconquête, delighted that rugby is “a sport that fully assumes its identity”. Bernard Laporte, former president of the French Rugby Federation and former Minister of Sports, calls for his part “teaching rugby at school”. Former international Rémy Martin also takes part. When Franceinfo asks him, the former third line almost chokes: “I did not know that Current values, it was far-right. I’m amazed. I just responded to a paper on retraining players.”

Current values also asked me. But I didn’t even answer.”, sighs Alexis Corbière. The rebellious deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis does not hide his love of the oval ball, a legacy of his childhood in Béziers. But this time, the chosen one preferred to pass his turn. And didn’t flinch when the headline came out: “If I responded to their headlines every week, it would become a full-time job.” He thinks. “Perhaps I should have. This cultural battle is also our role to lead. Especially since ideological victories precede electoral victories.”

The Minister of Sports, too, did not flinch.Antoine Dupont, on and off the field, knows how to put things in order and people in their place. Her perfectly clear response did not require any additional comment from the minister.”assures his entourage to franceinfo.

The identity right scratches the ball

That the far right is trying to get hold of the oval ball in the middle of the World Cup in France… does not surprise Raphaël Llorca, essayist and author of the recent National novel of brands.

“What is very new is that the definition of what France is now passes through rugby. There is a desire on the part of the far right and the classic right to move from football to rugby.”

Raphaël Llorca, essayist specializing in the extreme right

at franceinfo

The globalized round ball, which has become the antichrist of the identity right, which overplays the local side of the oval ball to forge a sport in which it can recognize itself. “We could almost talk about the continuation of the hostile takeover bid carried out by the identitarians on the national imaginationcontinues Raphaël Llorca. Remember Eric Zemmour’s candidacy clip, which aped De Gaulle, and evoked the films of Sautet, the songs of Brassens, etc.” Fifteen years ago, for the previous World Cup organized in France, in 2007, it was the young UMP who distributed rugby balls bearing the logo of their party during their tour of the beaches, recalled The Express. From now on, the traditional right is less present on these subjects.

Adidas enters the fray

The only counterpoint to this image from Epinal, an advertisement for the equipment manufacturer Adidas. “No politician has publicly reacted to this headlineunderlines Raphaël Llorca. Only Adidas can convey an ideologically different message with their slogan ‘This is new rugby’ [“Voici le nouveau rugby”] showing suburban youth oval ball in hand. The clip takes up the codes of football-related ads, we could even consider them interchangeable.”

This “This is new rugby” even seems exaggerated, according to Julien Maréchal, development director of the rugby club. Massy (Essonne). The rugby nursery in the Paris suburbs has released Mathieu Bastareaud, Sekou Macalou and Cameron Woki. LThe last two are even present in Fabien Galthié’s group for this World Cup. “It’s been a long time since Massy has been seen as a suburban scum clubhe asserts. Thirty years, at least. This debate, carried by Current valuesdoes not exist anymore.” And the opening ceremony with Jean Dujardin in a tank top in a postcard Paris of the 1950s? “It didn’t shock anyone at the club.”

The rugby spirit moves forward

“The guys from Current values have planted themselves well”summarizes Daniel Herrero who was directly involved in 1995 against the victory of the FN in Toulon (Var). “Identity pride, which seems respectable to me, can also be interpreted as something restrictive, narrow, closed in, stupid. Yes, there are feelings around the rugby adventure to doFrance’. Yes, but in fact, it’s making a world, not just France.” For the ex-rugby player with the red headband, the idea of ​​defining a “them” and one “We” seems antithetical to the values ​​of the oval ball.

“But what is this big string to convey an extremist message?”

Daniel Herrero, former player of the XV of France

at franceinfo

An extremist message that Bakary Meité, former third row at Stade Français, felt in another way. “I ask the question: if Sekou Macalou had been captain of the France team, would Current values would have put it on one?” The former player “ticked” on the appearance “exemplary values” rugby highlighted by the far-right magazine. Current values passes the brush on rugby supporters by saying that they are beyond reproach. Sorry, but I don’t know them well. I have seen unacceptable things, I have suffered unacceptable things.”, he protests. A few months ago, the player was indeed victim of racist insults from his own assistant coach in Aude. “He called me a ‘banana eater’.” A complaint is in progress, a trial will take place in December.

If there is one place where rugby brings together all sensibilities, it is… in Parliament. “The Parliamentary Rugby Association is the largest numerically of all those that existlaughs its president, Philippe Folliot, the centrist senator from Tarn. And yet, we charge 100 euros of membership, we don’t register in one click like others.” In its ranks, around a hundred parliamentarians, from the RN to Nupes, but more rebellious elected officials, who decided to slam the door after refusing to put on their crampons alongside Marine Le Pen’s troops.

“It’s a shame, because rugby is above these ideological quarrels.”

Philippe Folliot, senator of Tarn

at franceinfo

“There is a famous photo during a match where I am surrounded by Alexis Corbière and Louis Aliot [lors de la précédente législature]. That’s the rugby spirit!” laments the chosen one.

Meanwhile, the editorial staff of Current values watches the bullets go by while already thinking about what’s next. Tugdual Denis is already on the newsstands: “We intended to do another one on the World Cup if France won it, on the beautiful party side. I believe that, despite the controversy, we will still do it.”

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