new shocking revelation about the baby of the passenger and victim!

On February 10, 2023, a road accident changed the lives of several people. Pierre Palmade

was at the wheel of the vehicle which caused several injuries including a child but also a pregnant woman who lost her baby. If he hospitalized again

this summer at his request, The case is still ongoing

while awaiting his trial.

Two weeks after the incident, BFM TV had revealed that the first analyzes confirmed that the child had died due to the accident caused by Pierre Palmade

. Born by a cesarean section on the evening of the accident, the fetus was born “viable and alive” according to the first medical examination. Furthermore, none “malformation” did not intervene as a result of this tragedy. However, doubts were expressed and new analyzes were requested, including an anatomopathological examination and a summary expertise.

A major twist

See also: New controversy for Pierre Palmade with Freeze Corleone

This Thursday, September 21, The Parisian made new revelations about the birth of the victim’s baby the accident caused by Pierre Palmade

. According to our colleagues, a new medical expert was handed over to the courts on August 8, led by three experts including a forensic doctor, a pediatrician and a neonatologist. In it, it was mentioned that the child had in fact shown no signs of life at birth.

The little girl who was to be called Solin-Hazal was indeed viable at birth although she was premature at 28 weeks. On the other hand, the trio was categorical regarding her condition during childbirth: “The clinical state observed in the child immediately after extraction of the maternal uterine body is clearly and indubitably that of a state of constituted death: no motor reactivity, no spontaneous reflex breathing movement.”

The heart rate was observed five times after birth even though the baby’s death occurred in the last minutes of pregnancy. In addition, the little victim showed no signs of extrauterine life after birth. Solin-Hazal was therefore the victim of a fetal death in utero between 9:50 p.m. and 10:10 p.m. The cause of death was reportedly caused by hemorrhage caused by the accident. A fetus does not have legal personality unlike a baby which can be considered as a living being.

Faced with this new information, the indictment for “manslaughter” of the comedian could be reclassified as “unintentional injuries“. Dropping the charges could also reduce his sentence from ten years to between five and seven years. However, a second opinion is always available before the final decision.


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