the firefighters intervene and take him into the middle of filming “House for Sale”!

Stéphane Plazais a real ball of energy. Passionate about his job, he helps many people through his various agencies but also his broadcasts to find the ideal accommodation. He recently found a magnificent villa in Camille Froment in “Apartment or house search”.However, his work is not without risk.

And for good reason, his dyspraxia sometimes causes him some problems on set. For those who did not know this neurological disorder from which Jean Dujardin, Tom Cruise and Cara Delevingne also suffer, it translates as “clumsiness, dyslexia, difficulty controlling strength and tying shoelaces.”

Moreover, this was not lacking since Stéphane Plaza did the subject of an incident of this kind by injuring his foot in House for sale. The sequence was immortalized by the cameras of M6 as he proved it on Instagram.

A common situation at Stéphane Plaza

To see: Stéphane Plaza finds a villa for Camille Froment.

Through his publication, Stéphane Plaza revealed that his clumsiness caused him numerous injuries of this type since his early childhood. “The latest accident was filmed in the show Maison à Vente which will be broadcast on M6 on October 3. My foot, 4 months after this fall, still remembers it! 10 stitches and a cane for walk for 1 month”, he confided. Before addressing his rescuers: “I thank the firefighters for quickly taking care of me. It could have been even worse…”

Then, Stéphane Plaza shared some examples of people who suffered the consequences: “One of my cameramen suffered this during a sequence where I was playing the Molky game. Ouch… And Lorraine, Author of “On the Run” film that I am currently filming with Mimi, still has a fragile thumb after shaking my hand.”. “Fortunately those around me know me by heart, always forgive me and above all they stay away from me when I break a wall”, he put things into perspective before asking for forgiveness.


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