more than a thousand British police officers suspended


Video duration:
2 min


Article written by

franceinfo – G. Dehlinger, S. Lacombe

France Televisions

Like every evening, 11 p.m. info takes a look at the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s Eurozapping on Tuesday September 19.

More than a thousand Scotland Yard police officers have been suspended in the United Kingdom. A motorist was handcuffed in front of her three-month-old baby, only because she was noiD. Sarah Everard, arrested during lockdown in 2021, beforeit, she, éwas raped and killed by a police officer. Faced with the distrust of Londoners, the police decided to react.

A far-right group has been disbandedus in Germany. In ten regions of the country, searches were carried out to neutralize the Hammerskins group. Infiltrated into the world of hard rock, he also organized clandestine boxing matches. Around thirty people were arrested.

In Sweden, the gang war led by teenagers

Gang warfare is wreaking havoc in Sweden, where seven people were killed in ten days. Criminals are getting younger and younger, some as young as 14. The police blame the laxity of Swedish justice. A crisis meeting took place on Tuesday September 19. The Minister of Justice has committed to changing the law to prevent gangs from continuing to recruit younger and younger teenagers.

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