Faced with rising fuel prices, the government wants to allow distributors to sell at a loss. The Modem deputy for Loiret, Richard Ramos, prefers to modify fuel taxation.
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Richard Ramos, Modem deputy for Loiret, wishes Tuesday September 19 on franceinfo the establishment of “from a ceiling” of the TICPE (domestic consumption tax on energy products) rather than allowing large retailers to sell fuel at a loss.
>> Sale of fuel at a loss: the main distribution brands, received in Bercy, are up in arms against the measure
While the government wants to find a solution to combat the rise in fuel prices, the majority member wants to reform the fuel tax: “On 1 € of fuel, there are 60 euro cents of taxes, 20 cents of VAT and 40 cents of TICPE. I am in favor of putting a cap on the TICPE”, he suggested. According to him, this ceiling “would allow us to say ‘it is the State which is giving you a rebate and not these famous benefactors of mass distribution'”he added.
“I won’t vote anyway, that’s clear”
Richard Ramos, Modemfranceinfo
Richard Ramos deplores the fact that the government is improving the image of large fuel distributors: “if tomorrow we allow mass distribution to sell at a loss, that means that these billionaires will ultimately appear as the saviors of the French”, he explains. The MP warns of the consequences for small independent service stations: “Even if they have temporary compensation, we will have made a change” the habits of “people who are in rural areas, who made the effort to go to local gas stations. We are going to change their consumption habits to rush to mass distribution”he said.
The government will submit to parliament in the coming weeks a text which aims to allow fuel distributors to sell at a loss for a period of six months. “I won’t vote anyway, that’s clear, on a personal basis”, he said. It’s for him, too “dangerous”.