The misdeeds affected several educational establishments in France, notably in Mulhouse, Lille and Créteil.
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Two teenagers from the Bordeaux area were indicted on Saturday, suspected of having hacked students’ digital work spaces to broadcast bomb threats in different schools in France, the Paris prosecutor’s office announced on Monday September 18.
Born in 2008, they hacked the digital workspace (ENT) accounts of around sixty students to broadcast bomb threats and attack threats, the prosecution said.
The cybercrime unit of the Paris public prosecutor’s office was contacted on June 24 and the investigations were entrusted to the Central Office for the Fight against Crime Related to Information and Communication Technologies. In total, 27 incidents of bomb threats and attack threats in several educational establishments in France, notably in Mulhouse, Lille and Créteil, have been brought to light.
Placed under judicial supervision
The two teenagers were arrested and taken into custody on Thursday, according to the prosecution. Their computers were seized during searches of their homes, it was added. At the end of their police custody, they were indicted on Saturday notably for threatening death or dangerous destruction for people, attacks on an automated data processing system in an organized group and disclosure of false information. They were placed under judicial supervision.
At the beginning of February, three adolescents aged 14, 15 and 17, from Gironde, Val-de-Marne and Bouches-du-Rhône, were indicted for having distributed threatening messages after hacking ENTs at the beginning of January . Fifteen establishments had to be evacuated.