“2,000 people died in the Mediterranean in 2023 alone,” says François Piquemal, LFI-NUPES deputy.



Video length:
11 mins


19/20 info receives François Piquemal, LFI-NUPES MP and Antoine Armand, Renaissance MP, to talk about the urgency of the situation in Lampedusa.

Asked about the plan revealed by Ursula Von der Leyen which must take into account the urgency of the situation in Lampedusa, François Piquemal affirms “that it does not attack the roots, because people are forced to leave their homes them”. There are armed conflicts, land grabs by big companies, and above all the main cause is climate change. 21 million people leave every year because of itexplains the LFI-NUPES deputy. “Demagogic, populist, nationalist speeches will not prevent anyone from crossing the Mediterranean. We need to work among Europeans”specifies Antoine Armand.

250 migrants per country

“This is what the asylum and immigration pact provides, pushed by France for several months. To do two things: the first is first ofprevent boats from arriving on landEuropean by doing upstream work with the countries of departure. And on European soil, make it possible to distinguish refugees who will need protection”continues MP Renaissance. “We must pursue long-term solutions, this is the case with development aid.lopment”, says Antoine Armand. What to do better? “We did not take effective measures. 2,000 people died in the Mediterranean in 2023 alone”notes François Piquemal. “The migrants who arrived in recent days, if we distributed them equitably, wouldthat would make 250 per country”concludes the LFI-NUPES deputy.

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