Real estate credit: further increases expected


Video length:
1 minute


Article written by

franceinfo – J. Cholin, J. Messa, S. Lisnyj, M. Le Rue

France Televisions

Access to real estate credit is becoming more and more difficult due to the increase in key rates in the European Union. Will it continue to grow?

From the ECB headquarters in Brussels (Belgium), Christine Lagarde announces that the key rate is being raised again. As a result, borrowing is expected to cost even more. In France, the estate market idles. A young 31-year-old buyer has just obtained his loan. But to get his credit, he had to settle for a high rate. “The property costs 200,000 euros and the rate is around 4%”, testifies this borrower. For a broker, this is nothing surprising. “We have had a meteoric rise in borrowing rates in a few months. A year and a half ago, a couple who wanted to buy a 6-room house will now lose between 20 and 30 m²”observes Sylvain Richefeu, Capfi broker.

Contain the rise in rates

In one year, the number of loans granted fell by 41%. Borrowing rates should stabilize at 4.5 or even 5% over 20 years. “Three banking establishments have reopened the production of their real estate loans, so competition will re-establish itself. (…) This competition will also contain the rise in rates”, estimates Maël Barnier, spokesperson for Meilleur Taux. But it is unlikely that these rates will fall again in the coming months.

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