Gas: who are France’s new partners?



Video duration:
1 minute


Article written by

France 2 – S.Lanson

France Televisions

With the war in Ukraine, France is less dependent on Russian gas. So who are its new business partners? Elements of response with journalist Sophie Lanson, present on the set of 20 Heures, Friday September 15.

As winter approaches, France is less dependent on Russian gas. But who do we buy gas from? “Our main supplier, via a gas pipeline, remains Norway with around 30% of our imports. The new thing, to get around Russian gas, is the place of the United States with 30% also, but by ship”explains journalist Sophie Lanson who specifies that a boat should “disembark in Le Havre within a few days”. She adds : “Russia still remains in a good place with 10% of gas. Algeria, another important supplier, comes next.”

“More energy sobriety”

Concerning our gas reserves, the journalist indicates: “France filled its stocks to 89% at the end of August 2023. This is a little less than last year at the same time. We are not the best European students. Spain and Portugal, in direct connection with Algeria, for example, have 100% reserves.” On the other hand, she emphasizes that prices should be much lower than “during the crisis”. To explain it, she highlights “nice weather” And “more energy sobriety”.

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