Several dozen nests of these exotic red ants have been identified in Sicily. They have also been spotted in other European countries.
This is not good news for the environment, the fire ant has indeed established itself in Europe. A scientific study reveals the identification of 88 nests in Sicily. Spanish and Italian researchers who have studied them are concerned these exotic dark red ants could spread “at an alarming speed across the entire continent”they write in the scientific journal Current Biology.
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Those that we call “fire ants” or “electric” because of the sharp pain inflicted by their sting are indeed formidable. They have already colonized Australia, China, Mexico and the United States.
Closer to us, they have also been spotted occasionally in Spain, Finland, the Netherlands, but also in France. Ants of this type were present in the garden of a residence in Toulon in the Var. Eradication plans were immediately put in place. But with this discovery of 88 nests in Sicily spread over four hectares, it is the first time that researchers have stated with certainty that this invasive species has established itself in Europe.
Propagation through plants
This ant can spread from one country to another by traveling in particular in plants, in exotic decorative plants exported throughout the world. In Sicily, researchers suspect one of the main freight ports located 13 km from the nests to be the source of their introduction. Now, specify the authors of the study, 7% of the European continent and 50% of urban areas have the climatic conditions which are suitable for this fire ant. It is therefore urgent to destroy the nests and monitor all sites where it is spotted. It’s meticulous work. As such, New Zealand is a model country in this area. It is the only country that has managed to get rid of it in this way.
Beyond the risk of stings, the fear is that these fire ants will attack local insects and harm populations of reptiles, birds or small vertebrates. That they cause damage to crops, vor in certain equipment, since they can infest computers, cars or washing machines. This is according to the Global Invasive Species Database. The fight against invasive alien species requires urgent international mobilization, as recently recalled by the IPBES, which is the equivalent of the IPCC for biodiversity.
Invasive species are in fact involved in 60% of plant and animal extinctions around the world and their economic cost quadruples every 10 years.