Apple orders iPhone 12 to be removed from sale



Video length:
1 minute

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – A. Jolly, M. Dana, M. Félix, P. Caron, A. Connen de Kirilis, E. Safari, J. Chouquet

France Televisions

The National Frequency Agency has ordered Apple to withdraw the iPhone 12 from sale. These phones, sold since 2020, emit too many waves. What are the risks ? We enlighten you.

There is no point trying to find it in stores or on the Internet. The latest models are available on the Apple website, but the iPhone 12 has disappeared. Sold since 2020, it was withdrawn from the market because it emits too many waves. The National Frequency Agency regularly carries out checks. She checks that phones do not emit too many waves, compared to what our body can absorb. There are measurements for the head, for the trunk and for the limbs. It is this last point that poses a problem with the iPhone 12.

What are the risks ?

The threshold not to be exceeded is 4 W/kg. The latest readings showed 5.74. “I’m afraid because I paid for it and I don’t want to redopose”worries an owner. Another assures that she will move away from the device, but “keep it”. So should we change it? According to the Health Security Agency, there is no panic. The regulatory thresholds are slightly exceeded, without there being any effect on health. Apple, which contests the results, has 15 days to update, otherwise the government threatens to recall all iPhone 12s in circulation.

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