Earthquake in Morocco: these French people lending a helping hand


Video length:
2 min


Article written by

franceinfo – N. Bertrand, K. Le Bouquin, F. Fougère, L. Chaussoy

France Televisions

If the area around Marrakech (Morocco) is easy to access for relief, this is not the case for the villages of the Atlas, which were also seriously affected by the earthquake of Friday September 8. Some French volunteers decided to go there themselves to help.

Clinging to the hillside, the village of Imi N’Tala (Morocco) is a field of ruins. The buildings collapsed. One of them was three stories high, nothing remains of it. Inside, there is a team of rescuers, Moroccans and French. They are looking for the body of a woman who died in the collapse, in order to return the remains to the family. The five French rescuers are all volunteers from an association in the Alpes-Maritimes.

Anger of residents

Officially, they were not authorized to intervene, but decided to go. The operation is very delicate. The French had come here to save lives. Since their arrival, they have only found bodies. Patrick Villardry wants to keep hope and thinks he can find a survivor. Elsewhere in the village, residents have stopped believing in it. There is also anger directed against all the authorities in the country, including against King Mohammed VI.

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