Marina Carrère d’Encausse is committed to the decriminalization of euthanasia in France



Video length:
3 mins

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – F. Mathieux, F. Blévis, L. Harper, H. Horoks

France Televisions

The journalist and doctor shares the life of a man suffering from Charcot’s disease, who knows he is doomed in the short term. Director of a documentary, she testifies in 20 Heures, Tuesday September 12, to defend the right of everyone to choose when to leave.

Marine Carrère d’Encausse’s companion suffers from an incurable illness. The journalist and doctor testifies, Tuesday September 12, on 8 p.m. on France 2 about her daily life which she recounts in a documentary that she has just produced. Marine Carrère d’Encausse is committed to ensuring that her husband, like all French people, can choose in the future the moment of his death, so that euthanasia is decriminalized in France. According to her, to die with dignity, “it’s dying as you wish, when you consider that life is no longer worth living“.

“A worthy act”

“Because they are totally dependent on people and they no longer have any joy, any pleasure in existence, since everything is assisted by machines, and there is no possibility of evolution. In this case, the gesture of assisted dying becomes a dignified act.”, estimates the doctor. His companion, suffering from Charcot’s disease, wants “to have the choice, if legally possible, to be able to do exactly as one wishes, without the risk that a doctor could be disturbed, or without being obliged to go into exile in another country”confides Marine Carrère d’Encausse.

Her documentary “End of life: so that you have the choice” will be broadcast on September 26 on France 5. The bill authorizing “active assistance in dying” could be presented a few days earlier, before being examined by the National Assembly at the start of 2024.

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