In an interview given to the newspaper Le Parisien, the LR deputy calls on his political family: “it’s [leur] political credibility which is at stake”, according to him.
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“You don’t engage in a showdown with foam arms” declared Aurélien Pradié. In an interview with the newspaper The Parisian and published Monday September 11 in the evening, the Lot deputy calls his political family to consider “seriously” a motion of censure against the government. Two votes are particularly in the sights of the elected Republican: that on the budget as well as the immigration bill.
“It’s our political credibility that is at stake” further asserts Aurélien Pradié, who considers that “any collusion with Emmanuel Macron feeds the radicalism of Le Pen and Mélenchon. Faced with Macron, only one possible path: hold on.” The former candidate for the presidency of the Republics calls in particular for a fiscal shock and draws up a red line, in the event of an increase in household taxes.
LR deputies meet Tuesday in Saint-Malo (Ille-et-Vilaine) for their parliamentary days.